Three One off ‘scratch and dent’ items from Scorpion Swords

With the sword industry far to quiet and experiencing an increasingly difficult and essentially unsustainable sales situation, in the downtime our friend Chris Palmer from Scorpion Swords took a little time to gather together a handful of swords that they had lying around the workshop for one reason or another and create a limited ‘scratch and dent’ sale promotion (though as you will see, there is not really anything scratched or dented about them)..

The first one is the last of series, a Fantasy Celtic Sword that was designed as part of the now defunct ‘Legendary Swords’ Project.

This one comes complete with a leather sheathe, solid brass fittings and a wickedly pointed triangular gladius style blade and was sold back in the day for $338.99 but is available as part of the sale for just $269.99 (and is the very last one that will ever be made, as the project, and this sword – has been wound up quite some time ago).

The second one came about as a misinterpretation of a customers custom order specification. They asked for a ‘reverse blade’ version of the Thai Daab – and while cool (almost like a kukri), it was not actually what the customer meant – so Chris remade it for the customer and now the unique reverse blade version is on sale as part of the scratch and dent sale for just $199.99 (normally $259.99).

And finally, Chris can’t actually remember why he has one, but only that he does have one in stock – and that is the meaty cleaver like blade that is the sword of Hakai.

Normally $249.99, it is available ex-stock for just $199.99 (and along with the Thai Daab, both can also be ordered with a leather sheathe – though this will delay shipping if selected as an option as it will need to be custom made).

Definitely 3 great deals for 3 lucky people – check these out and more in the HOT SPECIALS section of our Store:

April Specials

With the march madness sales mostly over (though there are still a few closeouts from March in the HOT SPECIALS section still running) the April Sale has started on a few selected items you would be an April Fool to let pass you by if you sat on the sidelines of last months sales bonanza..

First one is the Knights sword Type XVIII by Kingston Arms, which is usually $349.99 but is on sale all April and while stocks last for just $279.99 which is always a steal for this particular historically inspired classic arming sword:

And for lovers of Japanese blades, what could be better than the Kohaku Katana by Dragon King?

Last time it was on sale was pre-pandemic 2019 – but once again this classic T10 tool steel blade is marked down from our everyday low sale price of $629.99 (MSRP on this baby is $949) to a below wholesale cost price of just $520..

Truly a bargain to basically pick up a $1000 Katana for half price.. I mean, just look at that hamon and boshi…

And to round things out nicely, a couple of the items from the APOC March Super Sale have gone back on 15% discount, so we are passing the savings directly to you as always. Here are the two blades that are on special until the end of the month:

The Double Muk Hatchet, normally $84.95 (MSRP $109) save 15%

Last Chance on the Last Chance Bowie Knife – normally $74.95 (MSRP $95) save 15%

Hope you find something of interest.

Final Days of the March Madness Sale

Our current MEGA sale on the APOC Tactical Line of 9260 Spring Steel blades is coming to an end. And along with it, several other heavily discounted swords from other brands such as Kingdom of Arms, Kingston Arms and Dragon King..

All the specials end in just a little over 48 hours – and as we have so many other sales going on right now on the HOT SPECIALS page, we have listed all the time sensitive ones HERE on the SBG Sword Store’s Homepage..

Don’t miss out..

SALE ENDED 3/31/23

APOC Sale Steps it up a level..

With bank collapses following hot on the heels of War in Europe, rumors of War in the East and a worldwide pandemic that triggered it all – word to the wise, you might want to stock up on blades like APOC..

So to help you prepare for the unthinkable, we are stepping up the APOC sale to new levels!

Not only is every blade in the series discounted by 15% on our already discounted prices, but if you order three blades at the same time, you can qualify for FREE SHIPPING. And now if you order 5 blades, you get your choice of a FREE APOC Dagger or Axe!

Here are the swords that qualify for the free reward:

Mix and match them however you want, but if you have 5 of these babies in your cart and option will appear in the checkout to select your free reward:

This will take you to THIS page where you can just add which item you like to your cart and it will show $0 value. Example:

Might as well use whatever money is in your bank account to invest in something actually useful if everything does actually collapse in a heap..! (here’s to hoping for the best and planning for the worst)..

Just when you think there can’t possibly be any more specials…

It is unprecedented, three major sales and price breaks within 3 days. But the struggling sword industry is desperate for sales just to keep the lights on, and so as we always do we have passed on the savings direct to you guys so you can grab yourself a true bargain.

And these last two (as we don’t expect any additional deals like these to come through anytime soon!) cap off the sale very nicely!

SPECIAL OFFER #1: A-trim Designed Kingston Arms Cutlass

You could pay as much for the scabbard alone at some places. But this really is the complete package when it comes to a fast and agile, perfectly optimized cutlass designed by the legendary Gus Trim himself. MSRP on this one is $525 which is a fair price. Our usual discounted price, a bargain at $349.99. But from now until the end of the month you can practically steal it for $299.99

SPECIAL OFFER #2: Dragon King Spring Sakura Katana

With an honest 5160 Spring Steel blade and awesome steel fittings, this tough and forgiving, durable Katana is perfect as a dojo workhorse or serious backyard cutter. With a $500 MSRP, and our usual price at a much more reasonable $379.99 – you can get it with a whopping $100 discount all month and while stocks last..

What a crazy start to the month, but that’s all we have sales wise for now. So have a look at the bonanza and grab a bargain while you can..