Paul Chen’s Hanwei Forge has been fairly quiet in terms of new releases – but all that changed a few days ago..
Unfortunately, one of the swords really has come out at the worst possible time – so let’s get this one out of the way first..
The timing really could not be much more worse than this – just as Hanwei launch their tribute to the Russian Imperial Army, Russia launches a war against the Ukraine.. So really, the less said the better I think..
Here it is – a fine sword in its own right..

But it has definitely been released at the worst possible time (no fault of Hanwei’s – like the rest of us they had no idea we would be seeing a War in Europe in 2022)..
Thankfully the other 5 swords are not quite as controversial – starting with two new T10 tool steel Katana named after two of the most prominent Daimyo in Japan’s long and turbulent history – starting with the Tokugawa Katana:

And complimented by the Hideyoshi Katana – both just $779.99

And then there are two new releases of two older products – the antiqued version of the Scottish Basket-hilt Backsword:

And a similar but quite different Basket-hilt Broadsword:

And finally, a very affordable and nifty little Saxon/Viking Scramasax replica with Stag handle and carbon steel blade for just $85..